
Business Philosophy

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Specializes in the design and manufacture of magnetic separators

The current of the times demands a variety of expertise and coalitions between individuals, businesses, and countries as a role of community, or a global economic community that transcends borders and nations.

HANKOOK MATICS is determined to uphold and develop its goal of enterprise activities based on the following sense of values:

HANKOOK MATICS has grown steadily over the 20 years since its foundation with a core of integrity and unity.
Unlike other small and medium-sized enterprises, the company's long-serving employees are making all out efforts.

The change of the time is taking at a tremendous pace.
With this in mind, HANKOOK MATICS is determined to take a new challenge in response to the flow of a new era, through value of innovation.
All employees are dedicated to creating a new tradition of innovative thinking and a corporate culture unlike before.
These are the requirements for building a brand image in the worldwide magnetic separator market.

First, management, sales, and manufacturing in the global perspective.

Second, environmentally-friendly design to a backdrop of environmental factors.

Third, development of future products of 5 Telsa or more, and to embody energy reduction.

Dear value customers, all employees of HANKOOK MATICS are determined to strive to manufacture satisfactory products together with our excellent partners from around the world.

Thank you very much.

Hankook Matics C.E.O. KIM CHEUL WOONG김철웅 사인